How we do it? We selectively hire lawyers who believe in what we do and love their profession. The firm has a long history of employing graduates from the best Universities in indonesian. We see this as a way of giving something back to our local community and means these young people already know the north, they know its industries and they know the people.


Keke Ayuningtias, S.H.
Keke is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Senior Associate, She graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI). In her career, Keke handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed her expertise in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Corporate, Banking, Finance and Bankruptcy.
Elo Hagai fp
Elo Hagai Sembiring, S.H.
Elo is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Senior Associate, he graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia. In his career, Elo handled a variety of complex Corporate litigation cases and developed his expertise in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Corporate, Banking, Finance and Bankruptcy.
Astri fp
Astri Astari, S.H.
Astri is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Senior Associate, she graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. In her career, Astri handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed her expertise in the areas of Land, Dispute Resolution and Corporate.
Dani Setiawan fp
Dani Setiawan, S.H.
Dani is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Senior Associate, he graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang. In his career, Dani handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed his expertise in the areas of Litigation and Dispute Resolution.


Asima fp
Asima Rospita, S.H.
Asima is one of Fernandes Partnership's Partner, a licensed advocate and a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi). She graduated from Faculty of Law Universitas Kristen Indonesia. In her career, Asima handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed her expertise in the areas of of Land, Dispute Resolution and Corporate.
Priskila fp
Priskila Widyananda, S.H.
Kila is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Junior Associate, a licensed advocate and a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi). She graduated from Faculty of Law University of Surabaya (UBAYA) and later on earned his Master's degree in Notary Program from Universitas Indonesia's. In her career, Kila handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed his expertise in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Corporate, Banking, Finance and Bankruptcy.
Chandra Maulana Ishak Akbar FP-
Chandra Maulana Ishak Akbar, S.H
Akbar is one Fernandes Partnership’s Junior Associate, he graduated from Faculty of Law Jenderal Soedirman University. In his career, Akbar handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed his expertise in the areas of Litigation and Dispute Resolution.
Dhimas fp
Dhimas Prima Thufeil, S.H.
Dhimas is one of Fernandes Partnership’s Junior Associate, he graduated from Faculty of Law Trisakti University. In his career, Dhimas handled a variety of complex litigation cases and developed his expertise in the areas of Litigation and Dispute Resolution.